For tech companies, startups, and organizations with technical content, having a good tech freelance writer and communicator on the team is one of the best investments. Why? You ask. Well, not only do tech companies typically understand the return on investment for SEO work, but you also have to compensate for your more complicated products and services.

There I said it. Tech companies, while vital to our everyday lives and economy, you typically have products and services that are just harder to understand, and therefore sell. Having a writer on the team that can help you overcome this challenge is crucial in this content-driven era we find ourselves.

Benefits of Hiring a Tech Freelance Writer

  • Build Your Brand – A good tech freelance writer will help your company or startup package your message and build your company’s brand in a way that will resonate with your audience.
  • Explain Your Product – If you can’t explain your product or service to a highly technical writer, chances are your target audience won’t understand what it is you do or sell either. Hiring a tech freelance writer will help your business explain what you do in a way that buyers will get, no matter how complex it is on the backend.
  • Manage Your SEO Game – Tech freelance writers should be helping you manage and create content in a way that supports your SEO goals. Creating optimized content will help your business get found and noticed over your competitors

KPS Writes – Tech Freelance Writer – Examples:

As a tech freelance writer, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many companies to develop their message and connect with their audience. A few examples of my tech freelance writing examples include:

  • Digital Workshop Center – As one of the leading nontraditional, technical schools in Northern Colorado, the Digital Workshop Center relies on optimized web copy to continue to attract new students based on web searches. I have written nearly all of the blogs on their website for the past several years to help them continue to post optimized and relevant content.
  • Marketing How-Tos – One of my jams is producing content that helps small businesses and individuals leverage the power of social media to market and grow a business. I have written hundreds of blogs on the ins and outs of social media for business, including an entire Online Social Media Crash Course. Social media is inherently technical in nature, making it important to find ways to explain it in a digestible and useable way.
  • Technical Writing – In the tech freelance writer category, I’ve also had the opportunity to do a fair amount of technical, manufacturing, and mechanical based work. Topics include everything from the cloud to cement mixers and impact investing in the tech sector.

Interested in upping your company’s image and ability to connect with your clients? Let’s work together! I can help you write content that is easy to understand and will ultimately attract new users. Let’s connect to get started!