You know what’s not cool? It’s no longer enough to just write. Content is the currency of the internet and to stand out, you must put your money where your mouth is.  For businesses, authors, and organizations to succeed online, your content must not only be great, it must also be coupled with a deep understanding and use of of SEO (search engine optimization) tactics, digital marketing strategy, and social media use to make a mark in the digital era we find ourselves. 

You know what is cool? When you get it all right, your message can spread further than you would have ever thought possible. You know what’s even cooler? There are people out there (like me!) who can help you marry great content with a powerful social, digital, and SEO strategy to help your brand reach new audiences and make the most of great content unique to your product or service.

KPS Writes is here to help you stand out online and meet you goals in a variety of ways, including:  


Are you an author with a newly minted book? First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Second of all, I’d love to help your book become the next big thing through literary marketing and smart promotion. Consider sending me an ARC (advanced review copy). If we’re a good fit, I’ll start by sharing it with my followers on both Instagram and here on my site. From there, we have a great opportunity to help your book reach more people with guerrilla marketing . Contact me to learn more about my book review and literary marketing services to how we can collaborate to make your hard-won publication a success. 


Do you know how new people discover your website today? Via search engine results. This means, your customers and future clients are trusting Google to help them find what they’re looking for. If you haven’t considered investing in SEO and updated site content, your website likely won’t pop up on the first page of a search result and chances are, you’ll miss that sale or opportunity to connect with your target audience.  If you’re ready to take your site to the next level, I will work with your team to create dedicated, optimized content, along with site updates to ensure your clients can find you on the internet. Contact me for more info. 


The dynamite used to make any project, brand, or publication successful is a powerful digital and social media marketing plan and execution. I’ll help you connect with your fans and fuel your traffic through effective use of social and digital channels, paired with guerrilla marketing tactics and influencer referrals.  No time to add this piece to your plate? No problem! I’m here to help you generate catchy new ideas, create sharable content, and turn your online presence into one that your fans actually want to connect with. Contact me to learn more about how we can utilize digital and social marketing for your success. 


Tech Freelance Writer | KPS Writes

For tech companies, startups, and organizations with technical content, having a good tech freelance writer and communicator on the team is one of the best investments. Why? You ask. Well, not only do tech companies typically understand the return on investment for...

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Family+Kid+Baby Freelance Writer | KPS Writes

The beauty of being a freelance writer is having the opportunity to write about a wide variety of topics... it's really hard to get bored when I get to write about everything from the elusive cloud, all the way to my favorite travel destinations or how to market...

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Welcome to the KPS Writes Blog!

Hello and welcome to the KPS Writes blog! I'm glad you're here! I'm Kate Shelton, owner, reader, and head-writer over here at KPS Writes. Don't let that sentence fool you, it's only me around here. So I'm also the head everything else, even the unglamorous stuff like...

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and I’m glad you’re here! Let’s find a way to help YOU stand out in the vast landscape of the big ‘old world wide web.

I’ve built my career as a communicator, content creator, and digital marketer – working to bring people and ideas together through many online channels. I have  tangible experience in many realms of communication including blogging, writing technical content, SEO-driven planning and content, and social media marketing. I love helping brands, authors, nonprofits, and organizations meet their goals through creative communication and catchy content.

Learn more about me and my background here


Stay up to date on what’s going on at KPS Writes. I promise I won’t spam you.

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I’d love to hear more about your project, upcoming book, business, and any other fun thing you have in the works. 

(719) 469-1476